The Bahá’i Faith community of Lynnwood, WA
Bahá’ís of Lynnwood

A Faith for Today

by ed in About the Baha'i Faith
Over a century ago Bahá’u’lláh taught that religious truth is not final but progressive. Religion is renewed, He said, in every age to re-establish and apply the unchanging principles found in the scriptures of the Great Religions of the world to the needs of the present day. The entrenched powers of 19th century Persian orthodoxy vehemently opposed His message but now His Faith is spread around the world. Here in Lynnwood as in Europe, Africa, [...]
  • Attend an informal presentation about the Baha’i Faith or participate in a Study Circle.
  • Attend devotional gatherings together with others who recognize our need to connect with our creator.


Our Destiny

Background image of the Universe Cant show globe; browser does not support the canvas element
The earth is but one country...
...and mankind its citizens.
- Bahá’u’lláh
Ongoing events

Dialog: Race, Diversity, Inclusion

Please join us on Saturday, January 1st at 7:00 p.m. for the next evening of our ongoing dialog on the spiritual aspects of race, diversity and inclusion, entitled “Let’s Talk – Spiritual Conversations on Race […]

About the Baha'i Faith

The time has come

The world we live in Whether we call it “modernity”, or by some other name, there is a universal recognition that there is something very different about the world we live in today – something […]

Upcoming Events

  • July 31, 2024
    • Kamál (Perfection)Kamál (Perfection)Baháʼí Month of Kamál (Perfection) begins.



Click here to explore Heart to Heart, an uplifting Q&A interactive presentation about the Bahá’í Faith:

More answers…

Baha’i World News Service

Some 4,000 people of all backgrounds from across Europe reflect on the unifying role of the temple o

Amid floods in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, capacities built through Bahá’í community-building efforts

BIC highlights broad considerations, such as justice in international relations, for fostering more

The Bahá’ís of Luxembourg bring together academics and civil society members to explore the role of

Today marks a year since #OurStoryIsOne was launched, honoring the 10 Bahá’í women who were hanged i

The first printed copy of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas—Bahá’u’lláh’s Most Holy Book—in Swahili has been publish

Townshend Lihanda shares stories from Kenya about individual and collective transformation inspired

BIC explores new conceptions of leadership and justice at the UN Civil Society Conference, highlight

Some 4,000 people from across Papua New Guinea gathered in Port Moresby over two days to celebrate t

Over 1,000 expected for dedication of the national Bahá’í House of Worship in Port Moresby.

Architects share their insights into the collaborative efforts behind Papua New Guinea’s soon to be

Podcast explores implications of the principle of the oneness of humanity for the relationship betwe

Youth engaged in Bahá’í community-building activities spearhead a community garden project, nurturin

Message of peace resounds as community celebrates opening of restored apartment where ‘Abdu’l-Bahá s